Corporate culture

Culture eats strategy for breakfast – together you are unbeatable!

Corporate culture, the key to success

At a time when markets are becoming increasingly dynamic and competition tougher, corporate culture is more than just a “nice-to-have”.
It is a decisive factor for the resilience and adaptability of a company.
Corporate culture is both the basis and the heart of a successful and sustainable company.
You feel and experience it every day in your company.
It shapes the behavior of employees and determines how teams deal with each other and with the challenges of the market.
At berliner team, your path to a positive and high-performance corporate culture is the focus of our work.
This topic is close to our hearts.
But what are we talking about when we talk about a good and modern corporate culture?

Eine fröhliche Gruppe von ca. Menschen hat einen K
10 gut gelaunte Menschen haben mit ihren Fäusten einen Turm, der für Zusammenhalt steht, gebaut.

What makes a good corporate culture?

Corporate cultures are as diverse as the industries, people and markets.
However, in our experience, there are some commonalities: A corporate culture is good and helpful if the people in the organization feel comfortable with it and if it simultaneously lays the foundations to meet the challenges in the environment today and in the foreseeable future.
And since the challenges in your company’s environment are constantly changing, your corporate culture can, must and will continue to evolve.
Would you like to influence this instead of letting it run its course?
The basis for this is knowledge and orientation towards common and shared values.
You can find out how this can be achieved here, for example: Changing values: definition & guide to cultural change in your company Change management

Shared values are the basis for a corporate culture

The corporate culture is the living expression of the values that are lived in a company.
It forms the foundation on which teams build, interact and drive innovation.
A strong culture, characterized by clearly defined values, creates an environment in which motivation, satisfaction and success can thrive. To the blog article: Why value management makes your company successful.

Eine Gruppe aus ca. 10 Menschen sitzt im Stuhlkreis und hält sich an den Händen.
Vier Arbeitskollegen sitzen laut lachend an einem Tisch und essen Pizza.

Aren't we all a bit value-driven?

In our understanding, we as individuals are all value-driven.
Our individual values often differ, sometimes they are just different attributions to word brands such as “freedom”, “success” or “innovation”.
In order to create this common culture further develop this shared culture, we need a common common understanding.
What are our shared values and how can we live them within the company?

And how do we arrive at shared values?

Please note that cultural development cannot be imposed top-down.
Instead, you should engage in a constructive exchange across functions and hierarchies.
You should know which values are important to your colleagues, which values they currently experience in the company and which values are considered necessary in the future.
With our ValueParty app teams can identify their shared values personally, digitally and interactively.
In a virtual and professional environment, employees share their ideas and beliefs, vote and prioritize values that are important to them.
This process strengthens mutual understanding and promotes a coherent, value-driven corporate culture that is supported and lived by everyone.
Based on the “Graves Value System” (To the blog article: The Graves Value System: What really matters to people), you will find the values that are right for you.
These in turn are the basis for a value-based transformation.

Vier Arbeitskolleg*innen sitzen gemeinsam an einem Tisch und schauen auf einen Laptop. Sie beraten über ein Thema.

Employer attractiveness and strategic orientation do not develop with PowerPoint

If you want to know how your colleagues experience the current culture and where they see a need for change, let’s talk about it,…

  • how your strategic orientation is influenced by the current corporate culture,
  • what impact the current corporate culture has on your attractiveness as an employer has,
  • which possibly different needs that may exist in the various parts of the company,
  • and how you can find the right mission statement comes.